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QMy son is in the concentration program.  Is he automatically in the soccer team?   


A: No, The soccer Concentration is not the school team. Try outs for the soccer team are in September with a Teacher as the coach. There are separate fees for the school soccer team decided by the school administration which are subject to governing board approval. 



Q: When do we pay for the Soccer Concentration Program and when are the evaluations?


A: Evaluations are usually done on a Saturday at the beginning of April. There is also a compulsory information evening in Early May where the student athlete contract is presented. All soccer fees are paid in advance that evening.


Q: Is there a full refund if my child changes his/her mind to be in concentration program?


A: Yes, but only before school starts. If it is during the school year their is no refund.


Q:  Does Evangelista Sports deliver the uniforms here at the school ?


A: No, all uniforms are purchased and paid for at the store in Laval. (See Evangalista section)


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